Call now or come in person to get the best quote in town for your vehicle!!

Looking for quality used auto parts? Explore our extensive inventory for just $3.00 and discover the perfect components for your vehicle today!

Thinking about selling your car? Let us help you get a top offer quickly and hassle-free!

Turn Your Junk into Cash: Sell Your Junkyard Cars Today!

Are old, rusted vehicles cluttering your driveway and wasting valuable space? It’s time to transform those scrap cars into instant cash with U-Pull-IT Aurora!

Why Sell Your Junkyard Car?
Extra Cash: Convert unwanted vehicles into money for bills, vacations, or a new purchase.
Space Optimization: Free up your property for parking, a workshop, or a garden.
Environmental Benefits: Support sustainable recycling and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Why Choose U-Pull-IT Aurora, IL?
Fair & Competitive Offers: Our experts evaluate your vehicle’s condition, make, model, and market demand to deliver a just price.
Hassle-Free Process: Bring your car to our yard or simply call and enjoy a streamlined, paperwork-light experience.

Contact Us Today!
Don’t let those old junkyard cars become eyesores. Call U-Pull-IT Aurora at (630) 375-0600 or visit to get a fast, fair offer. Turn your junk into treasure now!


    Now just 6$ each you can get 100% used filtered antifreeze (in store pick up) for any type of car ! here at aurora U-Pull-It.

    Ahora, por solo 6 $ cada uno, puede obtener anticongelante filtrado 100% usado (recoger en la tienda) para cualquier tipo de automóvil! aquí en Aurora U-Pull-It.


    We are a self-serve auto yard. Search our wide inventory of cars and trucks for the part you need and do the job yourself! A small $2.00 admission fee gives you access to over 1000 vehicles, with new inventory being brought in daily.

    Somos un patio de autos de autoservicio. ¡Busque en nuestro amplio inventario de automóviles y camiones la pieza que necesita y haga el trabajo usted mismo! Una pequeña tarifa de admisión de $ 2.00 le da acceso a más de 1000 vehículos, con nuevo inventario que se trae diariamente.

  • Vehicle inventory

    Even though we don’t keep track of the vehicles in the yard. Aurora U-Pull it maintains an inventory of more than 1000 cars, trucks and vans! Inventory turns over daily as new cars are added and older cars are removed. Knowing your time is valuable, and with the customer’s ease in mind, the yard is organized by vehicle make. if any doubt you can call us to ask any questions that our staff can help with.